Who are we?

Directors and co-founders Link to heading

Rob Solly - Chief Executive Officer Link to heading

Rob has 30 years of experience in supporting complex decisions in the Defence and Security sectors. Before Cosimmetry, Rob led a cutting-edge team of academics and engineers developing new simulation, AI and data science approaches at Improbable Defence. Before that, he led Dstl’s Defence and Security Analysis Division. Rob used a range of analytical techniques to support strategic decisions in the MOD and DOD, including on four defence reviews and major procurement and design decisions including the F-35, QECV, and numerous C4ISR projects.

Chris Major - Chief Technology Officer Link to heading

Chris joined Cosimmetry from Improbable Defence, where he was lead engineer on a successful and highly innovative multi-million pound synthetic environment demonstrator project. Chris brings a broad range of engineering experience, spanning the Computer Games industry, National Security and Intelligence, through to defence planning and decision making.

Daniel Tarshish - Chief Operating Officer Link to heading

After 28 years serving Her Majesty’s Government overseas, Daniel joined the private sector in 2022. His expertise includes national security, intelligence and diplomacy in the Middle East and Asia, bespoke technology delivery and deployment, innovation, and cross-discipline collaboration.

Amanda Coleman - Chief Scientific Officer Link to heading

Amanda has 30 years of experience in analysis and consultancy across the spectrum of SMEs, Tech, Defence and Government. Initially trained as an engineer at the MOD, Amanda took on responsibility for operational analysis of numerous MOD systems and policies at Dstl. As Head of the Defence Concepts and Doctrine Centre’s Analysis and Research Team, Amanda applied novel analytical approaches to challenge and test strategic choices for the MOD. Subsequently, Amanda led QinetiQ’s consulting practice, supporting strategic decisions in the UK and abroad, before becoming Chief Scientist at innovative data SME Cervus, and a principal researcher at Improbable.

Advisers Link to heading

Phil Cavanagh Link to heading

Jordan Giddings Link to heading

Jennifer McArdle Link to heading

Associate Researchers Link to heading

Seb Bending Link to heading

James Griffin Link to heading

Michalina Pacholska Link to heading

Gordon Pattison Link to heading

Joel Dyer Link to heading

Thomas Turrell-Croft Link to heading